Description |
Maker |
PWR6011 PWR6016 PWR6018 PWR6010 PWR6012 PWR6017 PW |
1.8 Watt regulated DC/DC converter. Nom.input voltage 15VDC, rated output voltage 5VDC, rated output current 360mA. 1.8 Watt regulated DC/DC converter. Nom.input voltage 12VDC, rated output voltage -15VDC, rated output current -60mA. 1.8 Watt regulated DC/DC converter. Nom.input voltage 12VDC, rated output voltage -12VDC, rated output current -75mA. 1.8 Watt regulated DC/DC converter. Nom.input voltage 12VDC, rated output voltage 5VDC, rated output current 360mA. 1.8 Watt regulated DC/DC converter. Nom.input voltage 5VDC, rated output voltage -15VDC, rated output current -60mA. 1.8 Watt regulated DC/DC converter. Nom.input voltage 5VDC, rated output voltage -12VDC, rated output current -75mA. 1.8 Watt regulated DC/DC converter. Nom.input voltage 5VDC, rated output voltage 5VDC, rated output current 360mA. Analog IC 模拟IC 1.8 WATT UNREGULATED DC/DC CONVERTER 2-OUTPUT 1.8 W DC-DC REG PWR SUPPLY MODULE DIODE ZENER SINGLE 500mW 2.5Vz 20mA-Izt 0.05 100uA-Ir 1Vr DO35-GLASS 5K/AMMO 2-OUTPUT 1.8 W DC-DC REG PWR SUPPLY MODULE
Molex, Inc. Bourns, Inc. CANDD[C&D Technologies]
EC3SA-48S33 EC3SA-48D05 EC3SA-05S12 EC3SA-05S15 EC |
RSG Electronic Components GmbH
ASD05-48S12 ASD05-48S15 ASD05-48S3 ASD05-48S5 ASD0 |
Isolated and Regulated 5 WATT Modular DC/DC Converters
Astrodyne Corporation
RR2-0505S03AX RR2-0509S03AX RR2-0512S03AX RR2-0515 |
3 Watt 2:1 regulated single & dual output
RSG Electronic Components GmbH RSG Electronic Components G... RSG Electronic Componen...
RR7-2405S06AX RR7-2403D06AX RR7-2403S06AX RR7-2405 |
6 Watt 4:1 regulated single & dual output
RSG Electronic Componen...
PWR51XX PWR5104 PWR5104/H PWR5105/H |
9 WATT REGULATED DC/DC CONVERTER From old datasheet system
C&D Technologies
FDC60-24D15 |
Isolated and Regulated 60 WATT Modular DC/DC Converters
Astrodyne Corporation
ASD03-48S12 ASD03-48S15 ASD03-48S3 ASD03-48S5 ASD0 |
Isolated and Regulated 3 WATT Modular DC/DC Converters
Astrodyne Corporation
ST10-24F3.3S ST10-243.3S ST10-123.3S ST10 ST10-48F |
Isolated and Regulated 10 Watt Modular DC/DC Converters
Astrodyne Corporation