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ZXRD1000 SERIES HIGH EFFICIENCY SIMPLESYNC PWM DC-DC CONTROLLERS DESCRIPTION The ZXRD1000 series provides complete control and protection functions for a high efficiency (> 95%) DC-DC converter solution. The choice of external MOSFETs allow the designer to size devices according to application. The ZXRD1000 series uses advanced DC-DC converter techniques to provide synchronous drive capability, using innovative circuits that allow easy and cost effective implementation of shoot through protection. The FEATURES * * * * * * * * * * * * > 95% Efficiency Fixed frequency (adjustable) PWM Voltage mode to ensure excellent stability & transient response Low quiescent current in shutdown mode,15A Low battery flag Output down to 2.0V Overload protection Demonstration boards available Synchronous or non-synchronous operation Cost effective solution N or P channel MOSFETs QSOP16 package ZXRD1000 series can be used with an all N channel topology or a combination N & P channel topology. Additional functionality includes shutdown control, a user adjustable low battery flag and simple adjustment of the fixed PWM switching frequency. The controller is available with fixed outputs of 5V or 3.3V and an adjustable (2.0 to 12V) output. * * * * * * * * * Fixed 3.3, 5V and adjustable outputs Programmable soft start APPLICATIONS High efficiency 5 to 3.3V converters up to 4A Sub-notebook computers Embedded processor power supply Distributed power supply Portable instruments Local on card conversion GPS systems Very high efficiency SimpleSyncTM converter. VCC 4.5-10V D2 BAT54 R1 100k Shut Down 9 IC1 13 VIN VDRIVE 2 Bootstrap 1 ZXM64N02X C10 1F C11 1F C6 1F N1 L1 15H RSENSE VOUT 3.3V 4A SHDN LBSET C5 1F Low input flag 0.01R R6 10k Cx2 0.01F COUT 11 LBF 14 10 6 5 Delay Decoup VINT CT GND RSENSE+ 7 RSENSE - 8 VFB 16 Comp 15 PWR GND 3 C9 1F RX R2 CX1 2k7 680R 0.022F R4 10k D3 BAT54 Fx D1 C8 2.2F ZHCS1000 R5 6k x2 680F 120F CIN 68F C1 1F C2 330pF 1F C4 4 1F C3 C7 22F N2 ZXM64N02X R3 3k ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 1 ZXRD1000 SERIES ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input without bootstrap (P suffix) Input with bootstrap(N suffix) Bootstrap voltage 20V Shutdown pin VIN LBSET pin VIN 20V 10V RSENSE+, RSENSE Power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature VIN 610mW (Note 4) -40 to +85C -55 to +125C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TEST CONDITIONS (Unless otherwise stated) Tamb=25C Symbol V IN(min) V FB (Note 1) Parameter Min. Operating Voltage Feedback Voltage Conditions No Output Device V IN =5V,I FB =1mA 4.5 MAX Supply Current Shutdown Current 16 15 20 50 300 mA A kHz Operating frequency range Frequency with timing capacitor C3=1300pF C 3 =330pF Oscillator Tol. Max Duty Cycle R SENSE voltage differential Low Battery Flag set voltage Low Battery Flag output Low Battery Flag Hysteresis Low Battery Flag Sink Current Shutdown Threshold Voltage Shutdown Pin Source Current V RSENSE LBF SET LBF OUT LBF HYST LBF SINK V SHDN I SHDN V CMRSENSE Common mode range of V RSENSE Note 1. VFB has a different function between fixed and adjustable controller options. Note 2. 2200pF is the maximum recommended gate capacitance. Note 3. Maximum supply for P phase controllers is 18V,maximum supply for N phase controllers is 10V. Note 4. See VIN derating graph in Typical Characteristics. Note 5. The maximum frequency in this application is 300kHz. For higher frequency operation contact Zetex Applications Department. 2 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 202 201 C3=330pF VIN=5V 210 205 200 195 198 190 197 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 C3=330pF FOSC (kHz) 200 199 FOSC (kHz) 80 100 VIN (V) Temperature (C) FOSC v VIN FOSC v Temperature VOUT=3.3V 1.244 1.242 1.25 VIN=5V VOUT=3.3V 1.245 VFB (V) 1.24 1.238 VFB (V) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1.24 1.235 1.236 1.23 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 VIN (V) Temperature (C) VFB v VIN VFB v Temperature 1.02 1.005 VIN=5V Normalised LBSET 1.01 Normalised LBSET 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1.000 1.00 0.995 0.99 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 VIN (V) Temperature (C) Normalised LBSET v VIN Normalised LBSET v Temperature ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 3 ZXRD1000 SERIES TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 30 25 30 Supply Current (mA) Supply Current (mA) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 20 15 20 15 10 10 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 VIN (V) VIN (V) Supply Current v VIN N Phase Device 5 Vin=5V Supply Current v VIN P Phase Device 300 Current Limit (A) 4 FOSC (kHz) 200 3 2 1 VIN=5V VOUT=3.3V 100 0 100pF 0 1nF 10nF 0 10 20 30 40 50 Timing Capacitance RSENSE (m ) FOSC v Capacitance Current Limit v RSENSE CG=2200pF 20 15 10 5 VIN (V) -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Temperature (C) VIN Derating v Temperature 4 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES DETAILED DESCRIPTION The ZXRD1000 series can be configured to use either N or P channel MOSFETs to suit most applications. The most popular format, an a ll N channel synchronous solution gives the optimum efficiency. A feature of the ZXRD1000 series solution is the unique method of generating the synchronous drive, called SimpleSync . Most solutions use an additional output from the controller, inverted and delayed from the main switch drive. The ZXRD1000 series solution uses a simple overwinding on the main choke (wound on the same core at no real cost penalty) plus a small ferrite bead . This means that the synchronous FET is only enhanced when the main FET is turned off. This reduces the `blanking period' required for shootthrough protection, increasing efficiency and allowing smaller catch diodes to be used, making the controller simpler and less costly by avoiding complex timing circuitry. Included on chip are numerous functions that allow flexibility to suit most applications. The nominal switching frequency (200kHz) can be adjusted by a simple timing capacitor, C3. A low battery detect circuit is also provided. Off the shelf components are available from major manufacturers such as Sumida to provide either a single winding inductor for non-synchronous applications or a coil with an over-winding for synchronous applications. The combination of these switching characteristics, innovative circuit design and excellent user flexibility, make the ZXRD1000 series DC-DC solutions some of the smallest and most cost effective and electrically efficient currently available. Using Zetex's HDMOS low RDS(on) devices, ZXM64N02X for the main and synchronous switch, efficiency can peak at upto 95% and remains high over a wide range of operating currents. Programmable soft start can also be adjusted via the capacitor, C7, in the compensation loop. systems this can not only damage MOSFETs, but also the battery itself. To realise correct `dead time' implementation takes complex circuitry and hence implies additional cost. The ZETEX Method Zetex has taken a different approach to solving these problems. By looking at the basic architecture of a synchronous converter, a novel approach using the main circuit inductor was developed. By taking the inverse waveform found at the input to the main i n d u c to r o f a n o n - sy n ch r o n o u s so l u t i on , a synchronous drive waveform can be generated that is always relative to the main drive waveform and inverted with a small delay. This waveform can be used to drive the synchronous switch which means no complex circuitry in the IC need be used to allow for shoot-through protection. Implementation Implementation was very easy and low cost. It simply meant peeling off a strand of the main inductor winding and isolating it to form a coupled secondary winding. These are available as standard items referred to in the applications circuits parts list.The use of a small, surface mount, inexpensive 'square loop' ferrite bead provides an excellent method of eliminating shoot-through due to variation in gate thresholds. The bead essentially acts as a high i mp e da n ce fo r the few na n o seco nd s that shoot-through would normally occur. It saturates very quickly as the MOSFETs attain steady state operation, reducing the bead impedance to virtually zero. Benefits The net result is an innovative solution that gives a d d i ti o n a l b e n e fi ts wh il st lo we r in g o v e ra l l implementation costs. It is also a technique that can be simply omitted to make a non-synchronous controller, saving further cost, at the expense of a few efficiency points. What is SimpleSyncTM? Conventional Methods In the conventional approach to the synchronous DC-DC solution, much care has to be taken with the timing constraints between the main and synchronous switching devices. Not only is this dependent upon individual MOSFET gate thresholds (which vary from device to device within data sheet limits and over temperature), but it is also somewhat dependent upon magnetics, layout and other parasitics. This normally means that significant `dead time' has to be factored in to the design between the main and synchronous devices being turned off and on respectively. Incorrect application of dead time constraints can potentially lead to catastrophic short circuit conditions between VIN and GND. For some battery operated ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 5 ZXRD1000 SERIES Functional Block Diagram PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name V DRIVE PWRG ND G ND CT V INT R SENSE+ R SENSESHDN Decoup LBF LB SET V IN Delay Comp V FB Description See relevant Applications Section Bootstrap Bootstrap circuit for generating gate drive Output to the gate drive circuit for main N/P channel switches Power ground Signal ground Timing Capacitor sets oscillator frequency. Internal Bias Circuit. Decouple with 1F ceramic capacitor Higher potential input to the current sense for current limit circuit Lower potential input to the current sense for current limit circuit Shutdown control. Active low. Optional short circuit and overload decoupling capacitor for increased accuracy Low battery flag output. Active low, open collector output Low battery flag set. Can be connected to VIN if unused, or threshold set via potential divider. Input Voltage External R and C to set the desired cycle time for hiccup circuit. Compensation pin to allow for stability components and soft start. Feedback Voltage. This pin has a different function between fixed and adjustable controller options. The appropriate controller must be used for the fixed or adjustable solution. Connect to VOUT for fixed output, or to potential divider for adjustable output. 6 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES Applications Note: Component names refer to designators shown in the application circuit diagrams. Output Capacitors Output capacitors are a critical choice in the overall performance of the solution. They are required to filter the output and supply load transient current. They are also affected by the switching frequency, ripple current, di/dt and magnitude of transient load current. ESR plays a key role in determining the value of capacitor to be used. Combination of both high frequency, low value ceramic capacitors and low ESR bulk storage capacitors optimised for switching applications provide the best response to load transients and ripple requirements. Electrolytic capacitors with low ESR are larger and more expensive so the ultimate choice is always a compromise between size, cost and performance. Care must also be taken to ensure that for large capacitors, the ESL of the leads does not become an issue. Excellent low ESR tantalum or electrolytic capacitors are available from Sanyo OS-CON, AVX, Sprague and Nichicon. The output capacitor will also affect loop stability, transient performance. The capacitor ESR should preferably be of a similar value to the sense resistor. Parallel devices may be required. IRIPPLE(RMS) = V 0.29 VOUT (VIN- OUT) L f VIN Input Capacitors The input capacitor is chosen for its RMS current and voltage rating. The use of low ESR electrolytic or tantalum capacitors is recommended. Tantalum capacitors should have their voltage rating at 2VIN (max), electrolytic at 1.4VIN(max). IRMS can be approximated by: IRMS = IOUT IN- OUT(V VOUT) ) (V VIN Underspecification of this parameter can affect long term reliability. An additonal ceramic capacitor should be used to provide high frequency decoupling at VIN. Also note that the input capacitance ESR is effectively in series with the input and hence contributes to efficiency losses related to IRMS2 * ESR of the input capacitor. MOSFET Selection The ZXRD1000 family can be configured in circuits where either N or P channel MOSFETs are employed as the main switch. If an N channel device is used, the corresponding N phase controller must be chosen. Similarly, for P channel main switch a P phase controller must be used. The ordering information has a clear identifier to distinguish between N and P phase controllers. The MOSFET selection is subject to thermal and gate drive considerations. Care also has to be taken to allow for transition losses at high input voltages as well as RDS(ON) l o ss e s f o r t h e m a i n MO SF ET . I t is recommended that a device with a drain source breakdown of at least 1.2 times the maximum VIN should be used. For optimum efficiency , two N channel low RDS(on) devices are required. MOSFETs should be selected with the lowest RDS(ON) consistent with the output current required. As a guide, for 3-4A output, <50m devices would be optimum, provided the devices are low gate threshold and low gate charge. Typically look for devices that will be fully enhanced with 2.7V VGS for 4-5A capability. Zetex offers a range of low RDS(ON) logic level MOSFETs which are specifically designed with DC-DC power conversion in mind. Packaging includes SOT23, SOT23-6 and MSOP8 options. Ideal examples of optimum devices would be Zetex ZXM64N03X and ZXM64N02X (N channel). Contact your local Zetex office or Zetex web page for further information. where L= output filter inductance f= switching frequency For output voltage ripple it is necessary to know the peak ripple current which is given by: Ipk- = pk VOUT( VIN-VOUT) L f VIN Voltage ripple is then:VRIPPLE = Ipk -pk ESR ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 7 ZXRD1000 SERIES Applications (continued) Inductor Selection The inductor is one of the most critical components in the DC-DC circuit.There are numerous types of devices available from many suppliers. Zetex has opted to specify off the shelf encapsulated surface mount components, as these represent the best compromise in terms of cost, size, performance and shielding. The SimpleSyncTM technique uses a main inductor with an overwinding for the gate drive which is available as a standard part. However, for engineers who wish to design their own custom magnetics, this is a relatively simple and low cost construction technique. It is simply formed by terminating one of the multiple strands of litz type wire separately. It is still wound on the same core as the main winding and only has to handle enough current to charge the gate of the synchronous MOSFET. The major benefit is circuit simplification and hence lower cost of the control IC. For non-synchronous operation, the overwinding is not required. The choice of core type also plays a key role. For optimum performance, a 'swinging choke' is often preferred. This is one which exhibits an increase in inductance as load current decreases. This has the net effect of reducing circulating current at lighter load improving efficiency. There is normally a cost premium for this added benefit. For this reason the chokes specified are the more usual constant inductance type. Peak current of the inductor should be rated to minimum 1.2IOUT (max) . To maximise efficiency, the winding resistance of the main inductor should be less than the main switch output on resistance. conditions, when VIN is at its highest and VOUT is lowest (short circuit conditions for example). Under these conditions the device must handle peak current at close to 100% duty cycle. Frequency Adjustment The nominal running frequency of the controller is set to 200kHz in the applications shown. This can be adjusted over the range 50kHz to 300kHz by changing the value of capacitor on the CT pin. A low cost ceramic capacitor can be used. Frequency = 60000/C3 (pF) Frequency v temperature is given in the typical characteristics. Output Voltage Adjustment The ZXRD1000 is available as either a fixed 5V, 3.3V or adjustable output. On fixed output versions, the VFB pin should be connected to the output. Adjustable operation requires a resistive divider connected as follows: Schottky Diode Selection depends on whether a synchronous or non-synchronous approach is taken. For the ZXRD1000, the unique approach to the synchronous drive means minimal dead time and hence a small SOT23 1A DC rated device will suffice, such as the ZHCS1000 from Zetex. The device is only designed to prevent the body diode of the synchronous MOSFET from conducting during the initial switching transient until the MOSFET takes over. The device should be connected as close as possible to the source terminals of the main MOSFET. For non-synchronous applications , the Schottky diode must be selected to allow for the worst case The value of the output voltage is determined by the equation VOUT = VFB (1 + RA ) RB VFB =1.24V Note: The adjustable circuit is shown in the following transient optimisation section. It is also used in the evaluation PCB. In both these circuits RA is assigned the label R6 and RB the label R5. Values of resistor should be between 1k and 20k to guarantee operation. Output voltage can be adjusted in the range 2V to 12V for non-synchronous applications. For synchronous applications, the minimum V OUT is set by the V GS threshold required for the synchronous MOSFET, as the sw ing in t he gate using t he SimpleSyncTM technique is approximately V OUT. 8 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES Applications (continued) Low Battery Flag The low battery flag threshold can be set by the user to trip at a level determined by the equation: VLBSET = 1.25 (1 + RC ) RD Hiccup Time Constant The hiccup circuit (at the 'delay' pin) provides overload protection for the solution. The threshold of the hiccup mode is determined by the value of RSENSE, When >50mV is developed across the sense resistor, the hiccup circuit is triggered, inhibiting the device. It will stay in this state depending upon the time constant of the resistor and capacitor connected at the 'delay' pin. In order to keep the dissipation down under overload conditions it is recommended the circuit be off for approximately 100ms. If for other application reasons this is too long an off period, this can be reduced at least by 10:1, care needs to be taken that any increased dissipation in the external MOSFET is still acceptable. The resistor capacitor combination R1,C1 recommended in the applications circuits provides a delay of 100ms. RD is recommended to be 10k where RC and RD are connected as follows: Soft Start & Loop Stability Soft start is determined by the time constant of the capacitor and resistor C7 and R3. Typically a good starting point is C7 = 22F and R3 = 24k for fixed voltage variants. For fully adjustable variants see Optimising for Transient Response later in the applications section. This network also helps provide good loop stability. Hysteresis is typically 20mV at the LBSET pin. Current Limit A current limit is set by the low value resistor in the output path, RSENSE. Since the resistor is only used for overload current limit, it does not need to be accurate and can hence be a low cost device. The value of the current limit is set by using the equation: ILIM (A) = 50(mV) RSENSE(m) Low Quiescent Shutdown Shutdown control is provided via the SHDN pin, putting the device in to a low quiescent sleep mode. In some circumstances where rapid sequencing of VCC can occur (when VCC is turned off and back on) and VCC has a very rapid rise time (100-200ms) timing conflicts can occur. A graph of Current Limit v RSENSE is shown in the typical characteristics. This should assist in the selection of RSENSE appropriate to application. If desired, RSENSE can also be on the input supply side. When used on the input side RSENSE should be in series with the upper output device (i.e. in series with the drain or source in N and P channel solutions respectively).Typically in this configuration RSENSE will be 20m . ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 9 ZXRD1000 SERIES Optimising for Transient Response. Transient response is important in applications where the load current increases and decreases rapidly. To optimise the system for good transient response certain criteria have to be observed. The optimum solution using the ZXRD series uses the adjustable N phase controller in synchronous mode as represented in the diagram opposite. The external networks for this solution require the use of the adjustable controller option. By using standard 'bulk' capacitors in parallel with a single OS-CON capacitor significant performance versus cost advantage can be given in this application. The low ESR of the OS-CON capacitor provides competitive output voltage ripple at low capacitance values. The 'bulk' capacitors aid transient response. However, the low ESR of the OS-CON capacitor can cause instability within the system. To maintain stability an RC network (RX, Cx1 ) ha s to be implemented. Furthermore, a capacitor in parallel with R6 (Cx2) is required to optimise transient response. To do this the appropriate adjustable ZXRD must be used because the input to the internal error amplifier (pin 16) has to be accessed. The adjustable device differs from fixed controller versions in this respect. This combined with a frequency compensation adjustment gives an optimised solution for excellent transient response. Layout Issues Layout is critical for the circuit to function in the most efficient manner in terms of electrical efficiency, thermal considerations and noise. The following guidelines should be observed: A 2.2F (C8) decoupling capacitor should be as close as possible to the drive MOSFETs and D1 anode. This capacitor is effectively connected across VIN and GND but should be as close as possible to the appropriate components in either N or P, synchronous or non-synchronous configurations. Furthermore the GND connection of the synchronous MOSFET/D1 and output capacitors should be close together and use either a ground plane or at the very least a low inductance PCB track. For the standard application circuits, a Gerber file can be made available for the layout which uses the materials as listed in the bill of materials table for the reference designs. Reference Designs. In the following section reference circuits are shown for the ZXRD se ries in both synchronous and non-synchronous modes. These are shown for each of the N and P phase controllers. In each case efficiency graphs are shown for the appropriate configuration using 3.3V and 5V ZXRD devices. The BOM is then shown for the design. Additional and alternative components are shown with a '*'. These refer to modifications to the design to optimise for transient response. Optimisation is reached using the adjustable version of either N or P phase controller device. 10 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 11 VCC 4.5-10V D2 BAT54 R1 100k Shut Down 9 IC1 13 VIN 2 1 7 8 ZXM64N02X C10 1F C11 1F C6 1F N1 L1 15H RSENSE VOUT 3.3V 4A SHDN LBSET VDRIVE Bootstrap RSENSE+ RSENSE - C5 1F Low input flag 11 0.01R R6 10k Cx2 0.01F COUT LBF 14 Delay 10 Decoup 6 V 5 INT CT GND CIN 68F 16 VFB Comp 15 PWR GND 3 C9 1F RX R2 CX1 2k7 680R 0.022F R4 10k D3 BAT54 Fx D1 C8 2.2F ZHCS1000 R5 6k x2 680F 120F C1 1F C2 330pF 1F C4 4 1F C3 C7 22F N2 ZXM64N02X R3 3k ZXRD1000 SERIES Optimised Transient Response, 4.5V-10V Input, 3V/4A Output, N Phase Adjustable, SimpleSync TM converter 200kHz. ZXRD1000 SERIES 4.5V -10VInput, 3.3V/4A Output, N Phase, High Efficiency SimpleSyncTM Converter 200kHz VCC 4.5-10V D2 R1 IC1 13 VIN SHDN LBSET VDRIVE Bootstrap RSENSE+ RSENSE 2 1 7 8 16 R2 R4 C7 D3 Fx N2 D1 C8 C9 C6 C10 C11 L1 N1 Shut Down C5 9 RSENSE VOUT 3.3V 4A Low input flag 11 LBF 14 10 Delay 6 Decoup V 5 INT CT CIN C1 C2 C3 C4 GND 4 VF B Comp 15 PWR GND 3 COUT R3 ZXRD1033NQ16 100 95 90 VIN=10V VIN=7V 85 Efficiency (%) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=5.0V. IOUT (A) 10 ZXRD1050NQ16 12 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES Ref IC1 N1 V IN >7V V IN <7V N2 D1 D2 D3 R1 R2 R3 *R3 R4 *Rx R SENSE C IN OR OR 1A 0.5V V F 10mA 0.4V V F 10mA 0.4V V F 100k 680 24k 3k 10k 2.7K 0.01 68 F 68 F 68 F 470 F *150 F *120 F 680 F x 2 1F 1F 330pF 1F 1F 1F 22 F 2.2 F 1F 1F 1F 0.022 F 10nF 15 H 10 H CDRH127B-OWZ9 6001 2785044447 Value Part Number ZXRD1033NQ16 ZXM64N03X ZXM64N02X ZXM64N02X ZHCS1000 BAT54 BAT54 WCR0805-100k WCR0805-680 WCR0805-24k WCR0805-3k WCR0805-10k WCR0805-2.7k LR1206R010 TPSD68M016R0150 20SA68M 20SV68M Zetex Zetex Zetex Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC AVX Sanyo OS-CON Sanyo OS-CON Manufacturer Zetex Zetex Comments QSOP16 Controller IC MSOP8 Low RDS(ON) N MOSFET 30V V DS 20V V DS 20V V DS SOT23 Schottky Diode 1A SOT23 Schottky Diode SOT23 Schottky Diode 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size Current Limit Sense Resistor 68 F 16V 'E' low ESR 68 F 20V PTH low ESR 68 F 20V SMT low ESR 470 F 10V 'E' low ESR 150 F 6V PTH low ESR 120 f 6V SMT low ESR 680 F 6V SMT Bulk Capacitor 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,4V.X7R Dielectric 330pF,4V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,4V.X7R Dielectric 22F,4V.X7R Dielectric 2.2F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 0.022F,4V.X7R Dielectric 10nF,10V.X7R Dielectric Low Profile SMT Low Profile SMT SMT Ferrite Bead C OUT OR OR C OUT C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 *Cx1 *Cx2 L1 OR Fx TPSE477M010R0200 AVX 6SA150M Sanyo OS-CON 6SV120M Sanyo OS-CON 6CV680GX Sanyo Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Sumida SMT C&D Technologies (NCL) FairRite * see Optimising for Transient Response Section ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 13 ZXRD1000 SERIES 4.5V -10VInput, 3.3V/4A Output, N Phase, High Efficiency Non-Synchronous Step Down Converter 200kHz VCC 4.5-10.0V R1 IC1 13 VIN 2 C10 D2 N1 VDRIVE C8 Shut Down 9 SHDN LBSET 11 LBF 14 10 6 5 Delay Decoup VINT CT GND C1 C2 C3 C4 4 Bootstrap 1 RSENSE+ 7 RSENSE 8 C6 C11 L1 RSENSE VOUT 3.3V 4A C5 Low input flag CIN VF B 16 Comp 15 PWR GND 3 C7 C9 R2 D1 D3 R4 COUT R3 100 95 90 Efficiency (%) VIN=5V 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 VIN=10V Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=3.3V. IOUT (A) VIN=7V ZXRD1033NQ16 10 100 95 Efficiency (%) 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 VIN=10V Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=5V. IOUT (A) 10 ZXRD1050NQ16 14 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES Ref IC1 N1 V IN >7V V IN <7V D1 D2 D3 R1 R2 R3 *R3 R4 *Rx R SENSE C IN OR OR 5A 0.5V V F 10mA 0.4V V F 10mA 0.4V V F 100k 680 24k 3k 10k 2.7K 0.01 68 F 68 F 68 F 470 F *150 F *120 F 680 F x 2 1F 1F 330pF 1F 1F 1F 22 F 2.2 F 1F 1F 1F 0.022 F 10nF 15 H 15 H CDRH127-150MC DP5022P-153 Value Part Number ZXRD1033NQ16 ZXM64N03X ZXM64N02X 50WQ04FN BAT54 BAT54 WCR0805-100k WCR0805-680 WCR0805-24k WCR0805-3k WCR0805-10k WCR0805-2.7k LR1206R010 TPSC68M02R0150 20SA68M 20SV68M Zetex Zetex Zetex Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC AVX Sanyo OS-CON Sanyo OS-CON Manufacturer Zetex Zetex Comments QSOP16 Controller IC MSOP8 Low RDS(ON) N MOSFET 30V V DS 20V V DS Schottky Diode 5A SOT23 Schottky Diode SOT23 Schottky Diode 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size Current Limit Sense Resistor 68 F 25V 'E' low ESR 68 F 20V PTH low ESR 68 F 20V SMT low ESR 470 F 10V 'E' low ESR 150 F 6V PTH low ESR 120 f 6V SMT low ESR 680 F 6V SMT Bulk Capacitor 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,4V.X7R Dielectric 330pF,4V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,4V.X7R Dielectric 22F,4V.X7R Dielectric 2.2F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 1F,10V.X7R Dielectric 0.022F,4V.X7R Dielectric 10nF,10V.X7R Dielectric Low Profile SMT Low Profile SMT C OUT OR OR C OUT C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 *Cx1 *Cx2 L1 OR TPSE477M010R0200 AVX 6SA150M Sanyo OS-CON 6SV120M Sanyo OS-CON 6CV680GX Sanyo Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Sumida Coilcraft * see Optimising for Transient Response Section ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 15 ZXRD1000 SERIES 5V -18V Input, 5V/3A Output, P Phase, High Efficiency SimpleSyncTM Converter 200kHz VCC 5V-18V R1 Shut Down 9 IC1 13 VIN 2 SHDN LBSET VDRIVE P1 L1 RSENSE VOUT 5.0V 3A Bootstrap 1 RSENSE+ RSENSE 7 8 16 C5 Low input flag 11 LBF 14 10 Delay 6 Decoup 5 VINT CT CIN GND C6 Fx R2 N1 D1 VF B Comp 15 PWR GND 3 C8 COUT C9 C1 C2 C3 C4 4 C7 R3 100 95 90 Efficiency (%) VIN=12V VIN=5V 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=3.3V. IOUT (A) VIN=7V ZXRD1033PQ16 10 100 95 Efficiency (%) 90 VIN=12V 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=5V. IOUT (A) 10 ZXRD1050PQ16 16 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES Ref IC1 P1 V IN >12V V IN <12V N1 D1 R1 R2 R3 *R3 *Rx R SENSE C IN OR OR 1A 0.5V V F 100k 680 24k 3k 2.7K 0.015 68 F 68 F 68 F 470 F *150 F *120 F 680 F x 2 1F 1F 330pF 1F 1F 1F 22 F 2.2 F 1F 0.022 F 10nF 15 H 10 H CDRH127B-OWZ9 6001 2785044447 Value Part Number ZXRD1050PQ16 ZXM64P03X ZXM64P02X ZXM64NO3X ZHCS1000 WCR0805-100k WCR0805-680 WCR0805-24k WCR0805-3k WCR0805-2.7k LR1206R015 Zetex Zetex Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Manufacturer Zetex Zetex Comments QSOP16 Controller IC MSOP8 Low RDS(ON) P MOSFET 30V VDS 20V V DS MSOP8 Low RDS(ON) MOSFET Schottky Diode 1A 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size Current Limit Sense Resistor 68 F 25V 'E' low ESR 68 F 20V PTH low ESR 68 F 20V SMT low ESR 470 F 10V 'E' low ESR 150 F 6V PTH low ESR 120 f 6V SMT low ESR 680 F 6V SMT Bulk Capacitor 1F,20V.X7R Dielectric 1F,4V.X7R Dielectric 330pF,4V.X7R Dielectric 1F,20V.X7R Dielectric 1F,20V.X7R Dielectric 1F,4V.X7R Dielectric 22F,4V.X7R Dielectric 2.2F,20V.X7R Dielectric 1F,20V.X7R Dielectric 0.022F,4V.X7R Dielectric 10nF,20V.X7R Dielectric Low Profile SMT Low Profile SMT SMT Ferrite Bead TPSV686M025R0150 AVX 20SA68M Sanyo OS-CON 20SV68M Sanyo OS-CON TPSE477M010R0200 AVX 6SA150M Sanyo OS-CON 6SV120M Sanyo OS-CON 6CV680GX Sanyo Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Sumida C&D Technologies (NCL) FairRite C OUT OR OR C OUT C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 *Cx1 *Cx2 L1 OR Fx * see Optimising for Transient Response Section ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 17 ZXRD1000 SERIES 5V -18V Input, 5V/3A Output, P Phase, High Efficiency Non-synchronous Step Down Converter 200kHz VCC 5.0-18V R1 Shut Down 9 IC1 13 VIN 2 1 7 8 16 C8 P1 L1 RSENSE VOUT 5.0V 3A SHDN LBSET VDRIVE Bootstrap RSENSE+ RSENSE - C5 Low input flag 11 LBF 14 10 6 5 CIN Delay Decoup VINT CT GND C6 VF B Comp 15 PWR GND 3 C9 R2 D1 COUT C1 C2 C3 C4 4 C7 R3 100 95 90 Efficiency (%) VIN=12V VIN=5V 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=3.3V. IOUT (A) 10 ZXRD1033PQ16 100 95 Efficiency (%) 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 VIN=7V VIN=12V Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=5V. IOUT (A) 10 ZXRD1050PQ16 18 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES Ref IC1 P1 V IN >12V V IN <12V D1 R1 R2 R3 *R3 *Rx R SENSE C IN OR OR 5A 0.5V V F 100k 680 24k 3k 2.7k 0.015 68 F 68 F 68 F 470 F *150 F *120 F 680 F x 2 1F 1F 330pF 1F 1F 1F 22 F 2.2 F 1F 0.022 F 10nF 15 H 15 H CDRH127-150MC D05022P-153 Value Part Number ZXRD1050PQ16 ZXM64P03X ZXM64P02X 50WQ04FN WCR0805-100k WCR0805-680 WCR0805-24k WCR0805-3k WCR0805-2.7k LR1206R015 IR Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Welwyn/IRC Manufacturer Zetex Zetex Comments QSOP16 Controller IC MSOP8 Low RDS(ON) P MOSFET 30V VDS 20V V DS Schottky Diode 5A 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size 0805 Size Current Limit Sense Resistor 68 F 25V 'E' low ESR 68 F 20V PTH low ESR 68 F 20V SMT low ESR 470 F 10V 'E' low ESR 150 F 6V PTH low ESR 120 f 6V SMT low ESR 680 F 6V SMT Bulk Capacitor 1F,20V.X7R Dielectric 1F,4V.X7R Dielectric 330pF,4V.X7R Dielectric 1F,20V.X7R Dielectric 1F,20V.X7R Dielectric 1F,4V.X7R Dielectric 22F,4V.X7R Dielectric 2.2F,20V.X7R Dielectric 1F,20V.X7R Dielectric 0.022F,4V.X7R Dielectric 10nF,20V.X7R Dielectric Low Profile SMT Low Profile SMT TPSV686M025R0150 AVX 20SA68M Sanyo OS-CON 20SV68M Sanyo OS-CON TPSE477M010R0200 AVX 6SA150M Sanyo OS-CON 6SV120M Sanyo OS-CON 6CV680GX Sanyo Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Sumida SMT Coilcraft C OUT OR OR C OUT C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 *Cx1 *Cx2 L1 * see Optimising for Transient Response Section ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 19 ZXRD1000 SERIES Designing with the ZXRD and Dynamic Performance This section refers to the reference design for the 3.3V, 4A output N channel synchronous converter. This is as shown previously in the Optimising for transient response section of the applications information (page 10). This circuit is also representative of the ZXRD evaluation board (see ordering information). The ZXRD series has been designed to give the best in terms of all round flexibility allowing engineers to either use the reference design as is, or to tailor the design to the individual requirements. This section demonstrates the performance features of the ZXRD series and its associated components. Startup Startup is always important in DC-DC converter applications. Magnetics have large inrush current requirements. For higher current applications using large input and output capacitors the startup current can be quite significant. This can cause several problems. In many applications the power supply to the DC-DC converter can be affected. Particularly in battery powered applications, trying to take large steps in load current out of the supply can result in either current limitation (by the internal impedance of the battery), or it can actually damage the battery. For the converter itself, large changes in load current can result in false triggering of the RSENSE circuit. This could result in device hiccup (see applications section). The ZXRD programmable soft start function eliminates both these problems. This is very clear to see in operation if the main switching waveforms are examined. The soft start is programmed by the combination of resistor and capacitor R3 and C7. As a recommendation, R3 and C7 are set to 3k and 22F respectively, which limits the peak startup current appropriately in the reference circuit. Fig.2 shows the startup waveforms. VIN and VOUT are plotted against time VIN=5V Efficiency Efficiency is often quoted as one of the key parameters of a DC-DC converter. Not only does it give an instantaneous idea of heat dissipation, but also an idea as to the extent battery life can be extended in say portable applications. Fig.1 shows the efficiency of the standard application circuit. Efficiency vs Output current is shown for the 5 to 3.3V configuration. 100 95 Efficiency (%) 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=3.3V. IOUT (A) 10 Fig.1. 5-3.3V Efficiency to 4A 20 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES Output Voltage Ripple Output voltage ripple is shown in Fig.4 and Fig. 5 for load currents of 0.5A and 4A respectively. Output voltage ripple will be dependant, to a very large extent, on the output capacitor ESR. (see Applications Section for ripple calculation). Fig.2. Startup Waveform for 3.3V output . SimpleSyncTM and Shoot-Through Steady state operation under constant load gives an excellent indication of the ZXRD series performance and also demonstrates how well SimpleSyncTM w o r k s. T he Si mp le Sy n cTM technique drives the synchronous MOSFET gate using the overwinding on the main inductor. It also uses the high speed suppression characteristics of the ferrite bead to prevent shoot through currents. Fig.3 shows the gate waveforms for the main and synchronous MOSFET devices (Zetex ZXM64N02X). Fig.4 0.5A Main & VOUT Waveforms Fig.5 4A Main & VOUT Waveforms Fig3. Main & Synchronous gate waveforms ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 21 ZXRD1000 SERIES Line regulation Variation in input voltage for both these conditions (0.5A and 4A output) shows the excellent line regulation the ZXRD. Fig.6 shows that with 0.5A and 4A output currents, applying an increase in input voltage from 5V to 10V , results in only small changes in output regulation. Fig.6a Line Regulation 0.5A load Transient Response Transient response to changes in load is becoming an increasingly critical feature of many converter circuits. Many high speed processors make very large step changes in their load requirements, at the same time as having more stringent specifications in terms of overshoot and undershoot. Fig.7 demonstrates the excellent load transient performance of the ZXRD series. A step change using an electronic load from 1A to 3A is shown with corresponding output transient performance. Fig.6b Line Regulation 4A load Fig.7 Output Transient Response Non-synchronous Applications One of the key features of the ZXRD series, when combined with the SimpleSyncTM technique, is the flexibility in allowing engineers to choose either a synchronous or non-synchronous architecture. Making the design non-synchronous by removing MOSFET N2 (the synchronous device), replacing the ZHCS1000 with a high current diode (50WQ04FN) and using a 2 terminal inductor, such as the Sumida CDRH127-150MC, decreases cost slightly at the expense of a few efficiency points. Fig.8 shows the effect on the efficiency of the 5 to 3.3V 4A application when the design is made non-synchronous. 22 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES 100 95 90 Efficiency (%) VIN=5V 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=3.3V. IOUT (A) 10 Fig.8 Efficiency for non-synchronous 5-3.3V conversion Using 'P' Channel Devices (No Bootstrap) All the preceeding examples utilise N channel MOSFET devices and a bootstrap circuit to provide full enhancement to the high side device. These circuits ha ve a ma ximum input voltage of 10V. For applications requiring a higher input voltage, using P channel devices for the main MOSFET will allow up to 18V operation. Typically this may be in a 12V to 5V converter circuit. If the same package size MOSFET devices are used, it is likely a higher on resistance will be encountered, with the result that efficiency will decline slightly. Fig 9 shows the efficiency plot for a P phase s y n c h r o n o u s 5 V co n v e r t e r b a s e d o n t he ZXRD1050PQ16. The figure charts efficiency v output current at 12V input and 7V input. 100 95 Efficiency (%) VIN=7V 90 VIN=12V 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0.1 1 Efficiency v IOUT VOUT=5V. IOUT (A) 10 Fig.9 'P' Channel Device Efficiency (synchronous) ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 23 ZXRD1000 SERIES ZXCM6 Series Low voltage MOSFETs Unique structure gives optimum performance for switching applications. N channel devices offer high efficiency performance for switching applications. This family of MOSFETs from Zetex offers a combination of low on-resistance and low gate charge, providing optimum performance and high efficiency for switching applications such as DC - DC conversion. On resistance is low across the family, from only 40m (max) for the ZXM64N02X part up to 180m (max) for the ZXM61N02F. This means that on-state losses are minimised, improving efficiency in low frequency drive applications. Threshold voltages of 0.7V and 1V minimum allow the MOSFETs to be driven from low voltage sources. P channel MOSFETs excel in load switching applications. The P-channel MOSFETs offer highly efficient pe rforma nce for low v olta ge loa d switching applications. This helps increase battery life in portable equipment. Minimum threshold voltage is low, only 0.7V or 1V, e n a b l i n g t h e M O SF E Ts to pr ov i de o pti mu m performance from a low voltage source. To ensure the device suitability for low voltage applications, drain to source voltage is specified at 20V or 30V. To minimise on-state losses, and improve efficiency in in low frequency drive applications, the on-resistance To minimise switching losses, and hence increase the (RDS(ON)) is low across the range. For example, the efficiency of high frequency operation, gate charge (Qg) ZXM64P03X has an RDS(ON) of only 100m at a gate to is small. The maximum Qg varies from 3.4nC to 16nC source voltage of 4.5V. depending on which device is chosen. Crss (Miller Gate source charge is also low, easing requirements for capacitance) is also low, e.g. typically 30pF for the the gate driver. Maximum values range from 0.62nC for ZXM6203E6 device. This results in better efficiency in the ZXM61P03F, up to 9nC for the ZXM64P03X. high frequency applications. Small outline surface mount packaging The products have been designed to optimise the performance of a range of packages. The parts are offered in SOT23, SOT23-6 and MSOP8 packages. The MSOP8 enables single or dual devices to be offered. The MSOP8 is also half the size of competitive SO8 devices and 20% smaller than TSSOP8 alternatives. Product performance The following performance characteristics show the capabilities of the ZXM64N02X. This device is recommended for use with certain configurations of the ZXRD DCDC controller circuit. 24 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES Performance Characterisation of ZXM64N02X ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (at Tamb = 25C unless otherwise stated). PARAMETER STATIC Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Gate-Body Leakage Gate-Source Threshold Voltage Static Drain-Source On-State Resistance (1) Forward Transconductance (3) DYNAMIC (3) Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse Transfer Capacitance SWITCHING(2) (3) Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Delay Time Fall Time Total Gate Charge Gate-Source Charge Gate Drain Charge SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE Diode Forward Voltage (1) Reverse Recovery Time (3) Reverse Recovery Charge(3) V SD t rr Q rr 23.7 13.3 0.95 V ns nC T j =25C, I S =3.8A, V GS =0V T j =25C, I F =3.8A, di/dt= 100A/s t d(on) tr t d(off) tf Qg Q gs Q gd 5.7 9.6 28.3 11.6 16 3.5 5.4 ns ns ns ns nC nC nC V DS =16V,V GS =4.5V , I D =3.8A (Refer to test circuit) V DD =10V, I D =3.8A R G =6.2, R D =2.6 (Refer to test circuit) C iss C oss C rss 1100 350 100 pF pF pF V DS =15 V, V GS =0V, f=1MHz V (BR)DSS 20 I DSS I GSS V GS(th) R DS(on) g fs 6.1 0.7 0.040 0.050 1 100 V A nA V S I D =250A, V GS =0V V DS =20V, V GS =0V V GS = 12V, V DS =0V I D =250A, V DS = V GS V GS =4.5V, I D =3.8A V GS =2.7V, I D =1.9A V DS =10V,I D =1.9A SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT CONDITIONS. (1) Measured under pulsed conditions. Width=300s. Duty cycle . 2% (2) Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperature. (3) For design aid only, not subject to production testing. ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 25 ZXRD1000 SERIES 208221 b8066 GERMANY Zetex GmbH Munich (49) 894549490 ASIA Zetex Asia Hong Kong (852) 2610 0611 Sumida Electric HK (852) 2880 6688 Taiwan Sumida Electric (886) 2762 2177 http://www.japanlink.com/sumida/ FairRite Schaffner Electronik GmbH (49) 72156910 Fair Rite Asia Pte Ltd Singapore (65) 281 1969 Japan/Korea (81) 332255055 AVX Asia Singapore (65) 258 2833 http://www.avxcorp.com Welwyn, IRC Welwyn Electronics GmbH (49)871 973760 TTC Group plc Singapore (65) 536 51667 IRC Inc (1) 512 992 7900 Coilcraft Inc (1) 847 639 6400 http://www.coilcraft.com Sanyo Electronic Comp. (OS-CON) Sanyo Europe Munich (49) 89 457693 16 SANYO Electronics Ltd. Hong Kong (852) 21936888 Singapore (65) 281 3226 Japan (81) 720 70 6306 C&D Technologies Guangzhou, Guangdong, PRC (86) 208221 8066 SANYO Electronics Ltd. Forrest City, AR 870 633 5030 San Diego, CA 619 661 6835 Rochelle Pk, NJ 201 843 8100 C&D Technologies (NCL) 5816 Creedmoor Road, Raleigh North Carolina 27612 (1) 919 571 9405 Semicon UK Ltd (44) 1279 422224 Welwyn Components Ltd (44) 1670 822181 Coilcraft Europe (44) 1236 730595 FairRite Products Corp (1) 914 895 2055 Schaffner EMC Ltd (44) 118 977 0070 USA Zetex Inc Long Island NY (1) 631 543 7100 Sumida Electric USA (CHICAGO Head Office) (1) 847 956-0666 UK Zetex PLC Chadderton, Oldham (44) 161 622 4444 Ole Wolf Electronics Ltd. (44) 1525 290755 Zetex http://www.zetex.com Sumida AVX AVX USA (1) 843 448 9411 AVX UK (44) 1252 770000 http://welwyn-tt.co.uk Coilcraft http://www.sanyovideo.com C & D Technologies (NCL) Contact C&D Technologies (NCL) UK C&D Technologies (NCL) Tanners Drive Blakelands North Milton Keynes MK14 5BU (44) 1908 615232 http://www.dc-dc.com 26 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 ZXRD1000 SERIES Connection Diagram Bootstrap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 VFB Note: Connection diagram is the same for N and P Phase, adjustable and fixed controllers. The VFB pin has a different function between adjustable and fixed versions. VDRIVE PWRGND GND CT VINT RSENSE + RSENSE - Comp Delay VIN LBSET LBF Decoup SHDN Package Dimensions IDENTIFICATION RECESS FOR PIN 1 A C B J PIN No.1 D F K G DIM A B C D E F G J K Millimetres MIN 4.80 0.635 0.177 0.20 3.81 1.35 0.10 5.79 0 0.267 0.30 3.99 1.75 0.25 6.20 8 MAX 4.98 Inches MIN 0.189 0.025 NOM 0.007 0.008 0.15 0.053 0.004 0.228 0 0.011 0.012 0.157 0.069 0.01 0.244 8 MAX 0.196 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 27 E ZXRD1000 SERIES Ordering Information Device ZXRD1033NQ16 ZXRD1050NQ16 ZXRD100ANQ16 ZXRD1033PQ16 ZXRD1050PQ16 ZXRD100APQ16 Description 3.3V Fixed controller N main switch 5.0V Fixed controller N main switch Adjustable controller N main switch 3.3V Fixed controller P main switch 5.0V Fixed controller P main switch Adjustable controller P main switch T&R Suffix TA, TC TA, TC TA, TC TA, TC TA, TC TA, TC Partmarking ZXRD1033N ZXRD1050N ZXRD100AN ZXRD1033P ZXRD1050P ZXRD100AP 'N main switch' indicates controller for use with N channel main switch element. 'P main switch' indicates controller for use with P channel main switch element. TA= Tape and Reel quantity of 500 TC= Tape and Reel quantity of 2500 Demonstration Boards These can be requested through your local Zetex office or representative. These boards can be tailored to your specific needs. If you would like to obtain a demo board then a request form is available to help determine your exact requirement. Zetex plc. Fields New Road, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9-8NP, United Kingdom. Telephone: (44)161 622 4422 (Sales), (44)161 622 4444 (General Enquiries) Fax: (44)161 622 4420 Zetex GmbH Streitfeldstrae 19 D-81673 Munchen Germany Telefon: (49) 89 45 49 49 0 Fax: (49) 89 45 49 49 49 Zetex Inc. 47 Mall Drive, Unit 4 Commack NY 11725 USA Telephone: (631) 543-7100 Fax: (631) 864-7630 Zetex (Asia) Ltd. 3701-04 Metroplaza, Tower 1 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong, Hong Kong Telephone:(852) 26100 611 Fax: (852) 24250 494 These are supported by agents and distributors in major countries world-wide Zetex plc 2001 http://www.zetex.com This publication is issued to provide outline information only which (unless agreed by the Company in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose or form part of any order or contract or be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. The Company reserves the right to alter without notice the specification, design, price or conditions of supply of any product or service. 28 ISSUE 4 - OCTOBER 2000 |
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