product brochure for arcofi-ba/sp 08/97 dip_2163.doc audio ringing codec filter featuring enhanced speakerphone psb 2161/2163 the psb 2163 arcofi-sp provides the subscriber with an dsp-based audio, ringing, codec, filter-processor solution for a digital telephone. it fulfills all the necessary requirements for the completion of a low-cost digital telephone featuring digital speakerphone and controlled loudhearing.(psb 2161 loudhearing only) 1. potential application customers voice terminals and voice/data terminals telephone manufacturers (digital and analog) telephones with pc interface digital terminal manufacturers voice featured pc cards video conferencing systems manufacturers video conference terminals fax machines and a/b terminal adapter 2. features: programmable analog front end (afe), enables direct connection of microphones, earpiece and loudspeaker; 42+3db transmit amplification on chip, allows the direct connection of the speakerphone microphone without external opamp digital signal processing performs all codec functions; fully compatible to the g.714/ccitt and net33/etsi specifications; pcm g.711/ccitt a-law/-law and 16-bit linear data; iom-2te, iom-2 (4mhz) and sci/sdi serial data interfaces; enhanced digital speakerphone support without any external devices: stronger-wins algorithm enables mode switching by just speaking louder (psb 2163 only); controlled monitoring (loudhearing) without any external devices; automatic gain control (agc) in transmit and receive direction; 200 mw (square) / 100 mw (sine wave) loudspeaker driver capability; flexible dtmf, tone and ringing generator; low power consumption (standby <1mw); 3. packing type ordering code package psb 2161 t v1.1 q67101-h6763 p-dso-28 psb 2163 p v3.1 q67100-h6768 p-dip-28 psb 2163 n v3.1 q67100-h6757 p-lcc-28 psb 2163 t v3.1 q67100-h6684 p-dso-28 4. product status product step status changes psb 2163 p v3.1 prod., delivery release psb 2163 n v3.1 prod., delivery release psb 2161/2163 t v1.1/v3.1 prod., delivery release 5. diagram iom-2 or sci/sdi a d a d speaker- phone "fast echo control" interface signal processing tone generator signal processing m u x m u x piezo out
product brochure for arcofi-ba/sp 08/97 dip_2163.doc 6. documentation (please contact our sales office for details) date of issue/version type of material data sheet arcofi-ba 8/95 copy errata sheet (arcofi ba) v1.1 6/96 copy errata sheet (arcofi-ba/sp) 2/97 copy delta sheet arcofi-sp v3.1 7/96 copy errata sheet v2.1+v3.1 (arcofi sp) 7/96 copy app. notes: analog line interface with arcofi-ba 6/96 copy using the arcofi-ba with a slic 3/95 copy improving low frequency response 8/96 copy designing with the arcofi psb2161, psb 2163 4/97 copy using the automatic gain control 9/95 copy users manual 6/95 book 7. development and support tools availability ordering number arcos-sp demo-software available on request sipo2163 arcos-sp plus software tool available q67100-h6600 sipb5132-sp arcofi-sp telephone module available q67100-h6299 sipb5133-sp arcofi-sp evaluation module available q67100-h6253 sipb5133-lh loudhearing board to sipb5133-sp available together w. q67100-h6253 sipb5311 pcm4 adapter available q67100-h6126 sipb8051 isdn telephone development board available q67100-h6321 8. applications pbx phone arcofi-sp psb 2163 dc/dc converter ab abc cde de 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 controller sab c513 u pn interf. smartlink-p psb 2197 serial extensions keyboard lcd display led matrix +5v reset, clk isdn phone with full duplex echo cancellation ace psb 2170 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 s/t interface iom-2 extensions siemens hl it siemens hl it 9-89-4144 9-89-4144 isac-s te psb 2186 power controller peb 2023 keyboard lcd display led matrix 5 v arcofi-ba psb 2161 controller sci