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  yenyo dimensions in inches and (millimeters) maximum ratings and electrical characteristics for capacitive load, derate current by 20%. single phase, half wave, 60hz, resistive or inductive load. rating at 25 o c ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. to-3p HFR60A06PD voltage range 600v current 60.0 ampere hyperfast recovery rectifier symbol v rrm v rms v dc if (av) i fsm v f i r trr c j t j , t stg HFR60A06PD - - - - 250 480 2.5 50 1000 80 - unit v v v v a a ua ua o c pf o cw ns recurrent peak reverse voltage rms voltage dc blocking voltage average forward rectified peak forward surge current, 8.3ms single instantaneous forward voltage @60a(25 o c) dc reverse current @t j =25 o c typical junction capacitance (note 3) operating junction and storage current t c = 80 o c half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (jedec method) @60a(150 o c) at rated dc blocking voltage @t j =150 o c maximum reverse recovery time (note 1) typical thermal resistance (note 4) features ? l o w noise ? fast switching for high efficiency ? case: molded plastic to-3p-ac ? high voltage super frd ? weight : 6.2 grams method 208 ? mounting position: any ? terminals: solderable per mil-std-202 mechanical data ? low reverse leakage current r jc temperature range ? epoxy: ul 94v-0 rate flame retardant , characteristic min. typ. max. - 60.0 - 600 420 600 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.2 - 175 -65 - ? pfc application 1 / 2 r2, jul-11 2.2 maximum reverse recovery time (note 2) notes : (2) reverse recovery test conditions i f = 15a, di f/ dt = 100a/us. (3) junction capacitance test conditions : v r = 10v,i f = 0a. (4) thermal resistance junction to case. (1) reverse recovery test conditions i f =0.5a ,i r = 1a , irr = 0.25a trr 80 ns 1 2 1 .645(16.4) .625(15.9) .245(6.2) .225(5.7) .840(21.3) .820(20.8) .795(20.2) .775(19.5) .048(1.22) .044(1.12) .160(4.1) .140(3.5) .142(3.6) .138(3.5) 2 .17(4.3) .323(8.2) .313(7.9) .086(2.18) .076(1.93) .203(5.16) .193(4.90) .078(1.98) .118(3.0) .108(2.7) .030(0.76) .020(0.51) 10 o 30 o 10 o
ratings and characteristic curves HFR60A06PD fig.1 - forward current derating curve average forward rectified current, amperes 60.0 10.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 0 0 50 100 175 case temperature, o c fig.2 - maximum non-repetitive peak forward surge current peak forward surge current, amperes number of cycles at 60hz 0 200 400 600 1 10 100 fig.5 - t rr , t a and t b curves vs forward current i f , forward current (a) t , recovery times (ns) pulse width 8.3ms single half-sire-wave (jedec method) 75 25 125 150 0.5 0 40 20 15 1 60 75 10 80 5 t rr t a t b t c = 25 o c, di f /dt = 100a/us fig.6 - typical junction capacitance reverse voltage, volts junction capacitance, pf 0 0 175 50 100 150 200 75 25 50 125 150 100 20.0 fig.3 - typical instantaneous forward characteristics iinstantaneous forward current, amperes 10 100 0.5 1 0 2 2.5 3 instantaneous forward voltage, volts fig.4 - typical reverse characteristics percent of rated peak reverse voltage,% instantaneous reverse current, microamperes 0.1 0 1 10 1000 100 20 40 60 80 100 t j =150 o c t j =25 o c 0.5 1.5 1.0 3.5 t j =25 o c t j =150 o c yenyo technology co., ltd. 2 / 2 r2, jul-11
test circuits and waveforms yenyo technology co., ltd. 3 / 3 r2, jul-11 fig.7 - t rr test ci rcui t fig. 8 - t rr w a veforms and definitions fig. 9 - a v alan ch e en ergy test ci rcui t fig. 10 - a v alanche cu rren t and v ol t a ge w a veform s r g l v dd i gbt cu rren t sen se dut v ge t 1 t 2 v ge a m pli tu d e a nd t 1 and t 2 contr ol i f r g contr ol di f / dt + - dt di f i f t rr t a t b 0 i rm 0.25 i rm dut cu rren t sen se + lr v dd r < 0.1 ? e av l = 1/ 2li 2 [v r( a vl) / (v r( a vl) - v dd )] q 1 = i gbt ( bv ces > dut v r( a vl) ) - v dd q 1 i max = 1a l = 40mh iv t 0 t 1 t 2 i l v av l t i l

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