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  AU9382 usb flash disk controller technical reference manual revision 1.0 ? 1997-2003 alco r micro corp. all rights reserved
copyright notice copyright 1997 - 2003 alcor micro corp. all rights reserved. trademark acknowledgements the company and product names mentioned in this document may be th e trademarks or registered trademarks of their manufacturers. disclaimer alcor micro corp. reserves the right to change this product without prior notice. alcor micro corp. makes no warranty for the use of its products an d bears no responsibility for any error that appear in this d ocument. specifications are subject to change without prior notice. contact information: web site: taiwan alcor micro corp. 4f-1, no 200 kang chien rd., nei hu, taipei, taiwan, r.o.c. phone: 886-2-8751-1984 fax: 886-2-2659-7723 santa clara office los angeles office 2901 tasman drive, suite 206 9400 seventh st., bldg. a2 santa clara, ca 95054 rancho cucamonga, ca 91730 usa usa phone: (408) 845-9300 phone: (909) 483-9900 fax: (408) 845-9086 fax: (909) 944-0464
table of contents i table of contents 1.0 introduction-------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------ 1 1.1 description---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 features-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2.0 application block diagram------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 3 3.0 pin assignment--------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 5 4.0 system architecture and reference design ----------------------- ------------------ 7 4.1 AU9382 block diagram------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 4.2 sample schematics------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 5.0 electrical characteristics--- ---------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- 9 5.1 recommended operating conditions------------------------------------------------- 9 5.2 general dc characteristics ------------------------------------------------------------ 9 5.3 dc electrical characteristic for 3.3 volts operation ------------------------------- 9 5.4 crystal oscillator circuit setup for char acteristics ---------- ---------- ---------- 10 5.5 esd test results -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 5.6 latch-up test results ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 6.0 mechanical information----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 15 7.0 appendix------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 7.1 48-pin lqfp pin assignment -------------------------------------------------------------- 17 7.2 pin descriptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 7.3 schematics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
table of contents i
introduction 1 1.0 introduction 1.1 description the AU9382 is a highly integrated single chip usb flash disk controller. it provides the most cost effective bridge between usb enabled pc and nand type flash memory. AU9382 can be used as a removable storage disk in enormous data exchange applications between pc, macintosh, laptop and workstation. it can also be configured as a bootable disk for system repairing . AU9382 works with 2 nand type flash memory chips with the combination of popular flash memory types such as 8m, 16m, 32m, 64m and 128m. additional features include write protection switch, activity led and password-protected security . AU9382 integrates 48mhz pll, 3.3v regulator, power on reset circuit and a power switch for flash memory power control. 1.2 features
introduction 2
2.0 application block diagram following is t h e application diagram of a t y p i cal fl ash di sk pr o duct wi t h a u 9 3 8 2 . b y con n ect i n g t h e fl ash di s k t o a des k t o p or n o t e bo o k pc t h r o ug h usb b u s, au 9 3 8 2 i s im pl em ent e d as a bus - p o w ere d , f u l l spee d u s b di s k , w h i c h can be use d as a b r i d ge fo r da t a trans f er betwee n des k to p pc an d no teboo k pc. p c w it h usb hos t c ont roll e r p c w it h us b ho st c ont roll e r n o t e book wi t h u sb h os t c ont rol l e r application block dia g ram 3
application block diagram 4
3.0 pin assignment the a u 9 3 8 2 i s pac k e d i n 2 8 - p i n ss op f o rm fact o r . t h e fi gu re o n t h e f o l l o wi ng pa ge sh ow s the signal names for each of t h e pins on t h e ch ip. acc o m p anying the figure is the ta ble that descri bes eac h of t h e pi n si g n a l s . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 a l cor m i cr o a u 9382 28- pi n sso p led fm w p n vcc2 fm vcc5 v vcci o us b_ dm us b_ dp gndi o fm w r n fm a l e xt al 1 xt al 2 vcca gnd vcc k fm cle fm ce1n fm ce2n fm rdn fm rbn fm da ta 4 fm d a ta 5 fm d a ta 6 fm d a ta 7 fm d a ta 0 fm d a ta 1 fm d a ta 2 fm d a ta 3 pin assignme nt 5
pin assignment 6 table 3-1. pin descriptions pin no. pin name pin type description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 vcck 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
4.0 system architecture and reference design 4.1 au 9382 block diagram a l cor m i c r o - a u 9 382 fl as h m e m o ry c a rd r e ader b l oc k d i agram fm co n t r o l & fifo us b sie us b up s t r e a m po r t xc vr us b fifo 3. 3 v v o lta ge re g u l a t o r & p o w e r o f f 3. 3 v ra m p r o c e sso r rom 12m h z xta l supp o r t up t o 2 fl a s h m e m o r y sus p e n d system architecture and reference design 7
4.2 sample sch e matics fmce1n fmale fmcle fmwrn a 11 tuesday, may 13, 2003 1.00 AU9382 flash disk demostration schematics size document number rev date: sheet of r4 330 u1 AU9382 28pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 led fmwpn vcc2fm vcc5v vccio usb_dm usb_dp gndio fmwrn fmale xtal1 xtal2 vcca gnd vcck fmcle fmce1n fmce2n fmrdn fmrbn fmdata4 fmdata5 fmdata6 fmdata7 fmdata0 fmdata1 fmdata2 fmdata3 r1 1.5k fmce2n u2 k9f5608u0a-ycb0 29 30 31 32 41 42 43 44 6 13 36 12 37 7 8 9 16 17 18 19 i/o0 i/o1 i/o2 i/o3 i/o4 i/o5 i/o6 i/o7 gnd vss vss vcc vcc r/b re ce cle ale we wp fmrbn c1 1uf fmdata[0..7] xtal2 vcc2fm r3 1m vcc2fm fmrdn led cb2 0.1uf fmcle j1 1 2 3 4 5 vcc data- data+ gnd fgnd1 fmce2n fmrdn xtal2 cb1 0.1uf fmce1n d1 r2 47k vcc2fm fmale fmrbn disclaimer: this schematic is for reference only. alcor micro corp. makes no warranty for the use of its products and bears no responsibility for any error that appear in this document. specifications are subject to change without notice. c2 1uf fmwpn c4 18pf vcc3.3 fmrbn fmrdn vcc2fm vcc3.3 vcc2fm fmcle xtal1 sw1 2 1 3 fmwrn vcc vcc vcc3.3 y1 12mhz fmdata[0..7] vcc2fm vcc3.3 fmwpn c3 18pf led xtal1 fmwrn vcc3.3 fmale u3 k9f5608u0a-ycb0 29 30 31 32 41 42 43 44 6 13 36 12 37 7 8 9 16 17 18 19 i/o0 i/o1 i/o2 i/o3 i/o4 i/o5 i/o6 i/o7 gnd vss vss vcc vcc r/b re ce cle ale we wp system architecture and reference design 8
electrical characteristics 9 5.0 electrical characteristics 5.1 recommended operating conditions symbol parameter min typ max units v cc power supply 4.75 5 5.25 v v in input voltage 0 v cc v t opr operating temperature 0 85 o c t stg storage temperature -40 125 o c 5.2 general dc characteristics symbol parameter condit ions min typ max units i il input low current no pull-up or pull-down -1 1 ?
electrical characteris t ics 10 5.4 c r ystal oscillator circui t set up for characterizatio n th e fo llowing setu p was used to m easu r e th e op en loo p vo ltag e g a in fo r crystal o s cillato r circuits. the feedbac k resistor se rves to bias th e circu it at its qu iescen t op eratin g po in t and th e ac coup ling cap acito r, cs, is m u ch larg er th an c 1 an d c2 .
electrical characteristics 11 5.5 esd test results test description : esd testing was performed on a zapmaster system using the human- body ?model (hbm) and machine-model (mm), according to mil_std 883 and eiaj ic_121 respectively.
electrical characteris t ics 12 5.6 lat c h-up test results test description: latch-up testing was perform e d at room a m bient using an imcs-4600 system whic h applies a stepped voltage to one pin per device with all other pins open except vdd and vss which were biased to 5 volts and ground respectively. testing was started at 5 .0 v (positive) or 0 v(negative), and the dut was biased for 0.5 seconds. if neither th e put current supply nor the device curren t supply reach ed the predefined lim it (dut= 0 ma , icc=100 ma), then the voltage was increased by 0.1 volts and the pin was tested again. this procedure was recommended by the je dec jc-40.2 cmos logic standardization committee. notes: 1. dut: device under test. 2. put: pin under test. icc measurem ent vcc dut gnd pin under m untested output open circuit untested input tied to v s upply + trigger sourc e + v su pp l y 1 source test ci rcuit : positive input/ output overvoltage /overcu rrent
electrical characteris t ics 13 vc c dut gnd pi n un der te s t ma un t e s t e d ou t p u t o p e n ci r c u i t un t e s t e d in p u t t i e d to v s u p p ly tr i g g e r sou r ce v s u p p l y + + i c c m eas u r em en t t e s t c i rcui t : n e gat i ve i nput / o u t put o v er vol t age / o ve rcurrent 1 s o ur ce vc c dut gnd ma unt e st e d out put ope n circuit al l input tie d t o v suppl y v suppl y + icc m e asurement su ppl y vol t age test latch?up data model model vol t age (v)/ current (m a) s/s results + vo ltag e - 11 .0 11 .0 5 p a s s + cu rren t - 20 0 20 0 5 vd d - v x x 9 . 0 5 p a s s
mechanical information 14
mechanical i n formati o n 15 6.0 mechanical information fol l o wi n g di ag ram show s t h e di m e nsi ons of t h e a u 9 3 8 2 2 8 - p i n ss op .
mechanical information 16
7.0 appendix---48-pin lqfp 7.1 48-pin lqfp pin assignment 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 10 9 11 33 32 31 29 30 34 46 4 5 44 43 4 2 12 35 36 28 27 26 25 41 40 3 9 38 37 47 48 1 3 14 15 1 6 17 18 1 9 20 21 2 2 23 24 na fm w p n vc c2fm vc c5v v cci o us b_ d m usb _ dp g ndi o fm w r n fm al e xt al 1 xt al 2 na vcca gnda na na na na na na vc ck fm cle na fm ce 1 n fm ce 2 n fm rd n fm rb n fm ce 3 n fm ce 4 n fm dat a 4 f m dat a5 fm dat a0 fm dat a1 f m dat a6 f m dat a7 f m dat a2 f m dat a3 na na na na na na na na led na al co r mi cr o AU9382 48 -p in l q f p mechanical i n formati o n 17
mechanical information 18 7.2. pin descriptions pin no. pin name pin type description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 vcck 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
mechanical information 19 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
mechanical i n formati o n 20 7.3 schematics fmrbn y1 12mhz d1 vcc3.3 vcc3.3 c1 1uf r4 1m vcc2fm vcc2fm u2 k9f5608u0a-ycb0 29 30 31 32 41 42 43 44 6 13 36 12 37 7 8 9 16 17 18 19 i/o0 i/o1 i/o2 i/o3 i/o4 i/o5 i/o6 i/o7 gnd vss vss vcc vcc r/b re ce cle ale we wp fmce4n fmrdn fmwrn fmce3n fmcle cb2 0.1uf vcc2fm vcc fmce3n vcc u4 k9f5608u0a-ycb0 29 30 31 32 41 42 43 44 6 13 36 12 37 7 8 9 16 17 18 19 i/o0 i/o1 i/o2 i/o3 i/o4 i/o5 i/o6 i/o7 gnd vss vss vcc vcc r/b re ce cle ale we wp fmwpn xtal1 fmrbn fmdata[0..7] vcc2fm r2 1.5k u3 k9f5608u0a-ycb0 29 30 31 32 41 42 43 44 6 13 36 12 37 7 8 9 16 17 18 19 i/o0 i/o1 i/o2 i/o3 i/o4 i/o5 i/o6 i/o7 gnd vss vss vcc vcc r/b re ce cle ale we wp vcc2fm fmrbn c4 18pf fmce2n fmwpn fmdata[0..7] fmcle vcc2fm fmrdn u5 k9f5608u0a-ycb0 29 30 31 32 41 42 43 44 6 13 36 12 37 7 8 9 16 17 18 19 i/o0 i/o1 i/o2 i/o3 i/o4 i/o5 i/o6 i/o7 gnd vss vss vcc vcc r/b re ce cle ale we wp fmwrn fmale r1 330 fmrdn xtal2 fmdata[0..7] fmale fmdata[0..7] fmwrn sw1 2 1 3 cb4 0.1uf fmrdn fmrbn fmce4n fmale fmwrn r3 47k vcc3.3 vcc3.3 disclaimer: this schematic is for reference only. alcor micro corp. makes no warranty for the use of its products and bears no responsibility for any error that appear in this document. specifications are subject to vcc2fm fmrdn fmale vcc2fm cb1 0.1uf xtal1 fmce2n c3 18pf fmcle fmwrn vcc2fm vcc2fm fmrbn fmce1n fmce1n u1 AU9382 48pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 na fmwpn vcc2fm vcc5v vccio usb_dm usb_dp gndio fmwrn fmale xtal1 xtal2 na vcca gnda na na na na na na vcck fmcle na fmce1n fmce2n fmrdn fmrbn fmce3n fmce4n fmdata4 fmdata5 fmdata6 fmdata7 fmdata0 fmdata1 fmdata2 fmdata3 na na na na na na na na na led c2 1uf fmdata[0..7] fmale fmcle a4 1.00 AU9382 4 flash disk demostration schematic size document number rev cb3 0.1uf xtal2 j1 1 2 3 4 5 vcc data- data+ gnd fgnd1 fmcle 11 monday, june 02, 2003 date: sheet of change without notice.

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