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  1 4 - elm2h401sa - s g e neral description f eatures maximum a bsolute ratings thermal characteristics parameter symbol typ. max. unit maximum junction - to - a mbient r ja 28 0 c /w parameter symbol limit unit drain - s ource voltage vds -2 0 v gate - s ource v oltag e vgs 8 v conti nuous drain current t a = 25 c id - 4 00 ma t a = 10 0 c -25 0 pulsed d rain current 1 idm -1.6 a power dissipation t c = 25 c pd 4 50 mw j unction and storage temperature range tj , tstg - 55 to 150 c elm2h401sa - s uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent r ds(on) , low gate charge and low gate resistance. the package is sot-723. ? vds =- 2 0v ? id = - 0.4 a ? rds (on) < 65 0 m (vgs =- 4.5 v) ? rds (on) < 90 0 m (vgs =- 2 .5v) ? rds (on) < 14 00 m (vgs =- 1.8 v) ? rds (on) < 23 00 m (vgs =- 1. 5 v) single p-channel mosfet t a = 25 c . u nless otherwise noted. a pplication ? notebook ? load switch ? baterry protection ? hand-held instruments pin configuration so t -7 23 (top vi ew) pin no. pin name 1 gate 2 source 3 drain 3 2 1 c ircuit s d g
2 elm2h401sa - s 4 - electrical characteristics parameter symbol condition min. typ. max. unit static parameters drain - s ource breakdown voltage bvdss id =- 25 0 a , vgs = 0v -2 0 v zero g ate voltage drain current idss vds =- 2 0 v, vgs = 0v, t a = 2 5 c -1 a vds =- 16 v, vgs = 0v, t a = 12 5 c -10 gate - b ody leakage current ig s s vds = 0v , vgs = 8 v 2 0 a gate t hreshold voltage vg s( th) vds = vgs , id =- 25 0 a -0.3 -0.7 -1.0 v static drain - s ource on - r esistance r d s (o n ) vgs =- 4.5 v, id =-0. 3 a 500 650 m vgs =- 2 .5v, id =- 0. 2 a 700 900 vgs =- 1.8 v, id =- 0. 1 a 1100 1400 vgs =- 1 .5v, id =- 0. 1 a 17 00 23 0 0 max. body - d iode continuous c urrent is vgs=vds=0 -0.4 a pulsed source current ism -0.8 a diode forward voltage vsd i s =- 0.2 a, vgs = 0v -1 v dynamic parameters input capacitance c iss vgs = 0v, vds =- 1 0 v, f = 1mh z 40.0 78.0 pf output capacitance c oss 15.0 30.0 pf reverse transfer capacitance c r ss 6.5 13.0 pf switching parameters total gate charge 2, 3 q g vgs =- 4.5 v, vds =- 1 0 v id =-0. 2 a 1.00 2.00 nc gate - s ource charge 2, 3 q gs 0.28 0.50 nc gate - d rain charge 2, 3 q gd 0.18 0.40 nc turn - o n delay time 2, 3 t d (on) vgs =- 4.5 v, vds =- 1 0 v id =- 0.2a , rgen = 10 8.0 16.0 ns turn - o n rise t ime 2, 3 t r 5.2 10.0 ns turn - o ff delay time 2, 3 t d ( of f ) 30.0 60.0 ns turn - o ff fall t ime 2, 3 t f 18.0 36.0 ns single p-channel mosfet note : 1. repetitive rating: pulsed width limited by maximum junction temperature. 2. the data tested by pulsed , pulse width 300us , duty cycle 2%. 3. essentially independent of operating temperature. t a = 25 c . u nless otherwise noted.
3 4 - elm2h401sa - s typical electrical and thermal characteristics single p-channel mosfet p owe m a t e e l e c t r o n i c s c o r p ver.1.00 3 p m 2 1 1 9 eu x 2 0 v p - channel mosfets - i d , continuous drain current ( a ) normalized on resistance (m ? ) t c , case temperature ( ) t c , c a s e t e m pe r a t ur e ( ) fig.1 continuous drain current vs. t c t j , junction temperature ( ) t j , j un c t i o n t e m pe r a t ur e ( ) fig.2 normalize d rdson vs. t j normalized gate threshold voltage ( v ) t j , junction tempe rature ( ) j , j un c t i o n t e m pe r a t ur e ( fig. 3 normalized v th vs. t j - v gs , gate to source voltage ( v ) qg , gate charge (nc) q g , g a t e c h a r ge ( n c ) fig. 4 gate charge waveform normalized thermal response (r ja ) square wave pulse duration (s) s qua r e w a v e p u l s e d ur a t i o n ( s ) fig. 5 normalized transient r esponse - i d , continuous drain current ( a ) - v ds , drain to source voltage (v ) v d s , d r a i n t o s o ur c e v o l t a ge ( v ) fig. 6 maximum safe operation area
4 elm2h401sa - s 4 - single p-channel mosfet p owe m a t e e l e c t r o n i c s c o r p ver.1.00 4 p m 2 1 1 9 eu x 2 0 v p - channel mosfets t d ( o n ) t r t o n t d ( o f f ) t f t o f f - v d s - v g s 9 0 % 1 0 % fig. 7 switching time waveform fig. 8 gate charge waveform

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